A woman stands at a desk working on a computer. The desk has office supplies, a red cup, an apple, and documents. Shelves with books, files, and boxes are in the background.

Benefits of A Standing Desk

What’s the point of a standing desk? Well, if you want to improve your health and well-being, there’s a simple thing you can do: stand up. This is especially true if you have a desk … Read more

Lettuce growing in a bamboo vertical setup.

Grow Up! 7 Vertical Gardening Tips for Foodies

No backyard space for a vegetable garden? No problem. Grow your favorite fruits, vegetables, and herbs with vertical gardening to get the freshest produce for cooking every day. What is Vertical Gardening? Vertical gardening is … Read more

An open book sitting on a table.

The Primal Edge Health Recommended Reading List

Let the Primal Edge Health Recommended Reading List guide you through greater self-education on the topics of diet, nutrition, history, philosophy, and worldview formation. These books are hand-picked by us as quality resources to teach … Read more