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PRIMAL EDGE HEALTH in white font color.


The world might be going crazy, but you don’t have to go with it. Optimize your health and fitness with diet, lifestyle, and an informed worldview. Join us for a breath of fresh air in a world gone mad!

A membership preview for carnivore meals.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You want the best for yourself and your family but need to know how to make correct nutritional choices sustainable and affordable long-term…
  • You’re ready to cut out the old habits and rebuild in a better direction…
  • All the conflicting information on the internet has your head spinning and you just want something that WORKS…
  • You’ve tried different approaches before but aren’t getting the results you want…
Red background with splashes of white.

If it does, then you’re already committed and ready for guidance!

That’s why we created this community

  • The internet is a wild and tangled place where everyone has an opinion but information overload is overwhelming and causes paralysis by analysis…
  • Catchy click-bate headlines promise fast results but fail to rebuild the foundation you stand on for long-term success…
  • Dogmatic approaches get too extreme and turn you off from embracing a new lifestyle…
  • We’re tired of being divided by labels and identities. We want a place to connect with people interested in holistic health. From diet to self sustainability, family life to homesteading, current events to world view, it all matters…

Introducing The Primal Edge Health Private Community Forum

A person typing on a laptop on a wooden table.

Our private community forum is packed with resources you can use to immediately make positive changes in your own life and take back your health once and for all.

We’re here to cut through the confusion. We give support and keep you accountable as you progress toward your goals.

Skip straight to an effective plan, minimize your trial and error time, and stop jumping from one thing to another. We will help you eliminate frustration, gain confidence, and get results.

Here’s Just Some of What’s inside

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Live coaching calls

Join a weekly coaching call with Tristan and Jessica, ask the questions that matter most to you, figure out the changes you need to make, share your success, and troubleshoot problems that come up.

Calls can last 1-3 hours, depending on the topics discussed and general attendance.

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Library of Resources

A database of downloadable recipe e-books, handbooks, pdf cheat sheets for keto and carnivore diets, meal planners, and more.

This section is always expanding. If there’s something specific you need, you can request to have it added.

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Exclusive & Early Access

Find out about upcoming live streams, new recipes, and other updates before anyone else.

Get a behind the scenes look at what goes on at our homestead and in our homeschool routine. We share insights about raising animals, homesteading, natural family living, and developing Orthodox faith.

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Ongoing Community Support

Open 24/7 and filled with people located all over the world, there’s always someone available to talk with.

You can connect with others in the group in text or voice chats and DM Tristan and Jessica for private feedback on anything you need. We provide the intimacy of one-on-one coaching and the support of an interactive community.

What people are saying:

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I learned techniques for relieving stress and anxiety, sleeping better, and so much more. I was stalled for so long and dealing with hypothyroidism, hormonal imbalance, and adrenal issues. I feel incredible right now – 15 lbs down in three weeks.

I’m so thankful that I found Primal Edge Health. Their never ending knowledge and support got me on the right track. Tristan and Jessica gave me REAL support and I thrive as a member in their community. My time with them is such a blessing to me and I’ll be forever grateful for everything I’ve learned.

A picture of a woman with blonde hair.
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The Primal Edge Health membership provides a community of like minded people all on the same journey toward self-improvement. I often suffer from self-discipline issues so the community resources and coaching calls motivate me tremendously.

A picture of a man and a woman in a brown background.

Tristan & Jessica // Primal Edge Health

Hi, we’re Tristan and Jessica Haggard and we’ve spent years learning and self-experimenting with different health and nutrition concepts. Over that time, we have run the website PrimalEdgeHealth.com where we share recipes, diest advice, and tips for sourcing healthy, animal-based foods from farms and grocery stores. Our mission is to make healthy living as practical and as easy as possible.

Since 2013 we have successfully coached 1000’s of people towards their personal health goals. But we’ve always dreamed of a place where all the great people we get to work with can meet each other. We needed to build a community that would support, as well as keep one another accountable and push each other to improve.

Our private community forum is set up to help you gain dietary confidence and succeed in living a healthier lifestyle. It reflects our commitment to building healthy bodies, families, and communities together because we are far more than what we eat.

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I don’t have a local support group, so the PEH online community helps keep me on track and motivated to improve myself.

The Primal Edge Health membership is AMAZING – everyone is nice and communicates effectively. There are many different perspectives and backgrounds that come together to chat about good food and healthy living. Someone is always online to offer a tip. The best part though, is just how comfortable it is. It doesn’t feel like a weird collection of random people awkwardly chatting. It’s just a comfortable and safe space to get support.

A picture of a woman with brown hair.

All Goals Welcome

Never cookie-cutter advice

We coach people with all kinds of goals. No matter where you’re coming from or where you’re going, we are here to help with customized advice based on your personal situation, preferences, and budget.

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muscle gainS

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Graceful Aging

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Healthy Weight Gain

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Vegan and Vegetarian Recovery

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Stress Management

A simple icon of a person lifting weights in red background.

Maintenance Long-term

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Hormonal balance

We are Far More Than What We Eat…

By the nature of believing in holistic health, our community has grown to be so much more than just dietary discussions.

We exchange homeschool tips, share our homesteading journeys, and keep a watchful eye on current events and cultural phenomena. Together, we are building healthy bodies, minds, and communities of people ready to take responsibility for their body, mind, and soul.

A woman holding hands with a child in an open field with a dog in the background.

More great features

  • Meet people who care about holistic health and future generations
  • Learn in an open forum on nutrition, homesteading, homeschooling, and current events
  • Have free discussion on all aspects of health, so you can take your knowledge to the next level
  • Save with a member’s discount on private coaching, cookbooks, and clothing

Our forum is unlike anything you’ll find anywhere else.

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It’s now or never

Join now if you care about

  • Getting healthy and feeling better than ever before
  • Health freedom and food sovereignty
  • Where our society is headed and the future for our children
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Get instant access worldwide

Your membership includes

  • Weekly coaching calls
  • Shopping guides, ebooks, printables, planners, and more
  • Open Q&A opportunity
  • 24/7 community support
  • Personalized feedback
  • Knowledge center
  • Open forum on nutrition, homesteading, homeschooling, and current events
  • Early notifications for live streams and new recipes

Get Instant Access Now

Simply choose your payment option and join us.

A red Satisfaction Guaranteed 100% icon.

We give a free trial period with every sign up so you can hang out and get a feel for what’s going on. If you decide it’s not for you, cancel anytime within the first few days free of charge. No questions asked.

Copyright 2012 – 2024 Primal Edge Health.